A brand new voluntary adoption agency which aims to lead the way in changing the face of adoption in the UK has been launched by an internationally renowned children’s services provider.

Adopters for Adoption seeks to provide a transformational service, delivering a positive and rewarding experience for the prospective adopter and children, where people are more important than the process.

It has been created after Polaris – The Children’s Services Community was awarded a substantial grant by the Department for Education to set up a voluntary adoption agency as part of the government driven adoption reform agenda.

Adopters for Adoption is a not-for-profit organisation that will benefit from the 20 years of experience its parent company Core Assets’ has of working in fostering and children’s services across the world.

The agency positively encourages and welcomes enquiries from all sectors of the community. The agency’s vision is informed by real life adopters who play a major part in the running of the agency through the steering group and the panel process. This means the experience of adopters is at the heart of all it does.

Lorraine White, head of service for Adopters for Adoption, explained what will set the agency apart.
She said: “Adoption is changing substantially with the adoption reform agenda at the moment and we are delighted to be at the forefront of innovation with Adopters for Adoption.

“We will actively challenge misconceptions around adoption and improve the way adopters are recruited, prepared and assessed. We don’t screen people out, we screen them in – that is central to our philosophy of inclusion.

“We are committed to making the assessment process as speedy as possible and we will not have a built-in delay in our processes.

“We will develop and deliver a comprehensive post-adoption programme to ensure that our adopters are supported every step of the way, as this is one of the things adopters tell us is really important to them.

“As well as offering a ‘mainstream’ adoption service, Adopters for Adoption will also offer specialist adoption support for disabled children, again drawing on the huge expertise within the Polaris Community.”

The Ofsted-registered adoption agency adds another string to the bow of Core Assets as it continues to position itself at the heart of delivering permanence to children.

“Children and young people are at the centre of all that Core Assets does,” Lorraine added. “We strive to deliver routes to permanence that give each young person the best possible outcomes.

“Adopters for Adoption is the final piece of the jigsaw in helping Core Assets to continue that life-changing work.”

If you would like to find out more about Adopters for Adoption please visit its website at www.adoptersforadoption.com

Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, Core Assets was founded by a social worker and a foster carer. Today the organisation is still founder owned and prides itself on making a positive and lasting difference for children and families.